MARCH 2023

Relationships with Principal Transformational Leadership, Interpersonal Communication, Self-Efficacy and Work Discipline of High School Teachers in Hulu Sungai Selatan District
1Raudatul Munawarah,2Aslamiah,3Ahmad Muhyani Rizalie
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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This study aims to analyze the relationship directly and indirectly between transformational leadership of school principals, interpersonal communication, self-efficacy and work discipline of high school teachers in South Hulu Sungai District. The method used in this study is quantitative research method. The population of this study was 219 teachers. The sample of this study was 141 teachers with the Proportional Random Sampling technique. Data collection instruments are questionnaires consisting of transformational leadership (35), interpersonal communication (23), self-efficacy (31) and work discipline (38) that have met the requirements of validity and reliability tests. Data analysis to test hypotheses using path analysis. The results of this study are that there is a direct relationship: (1) principal transformational leadership and teacher work discipline, (2) interpersonal communication and teacher work discipline, (3) teacher self-efficacy and work discipline, (4) principal transformational leadership and teacher interpersonal communication, (5) principal transformational leadership and self-efficacy, and indirect relationships (6) principal transformational leadership and teacher work discipline through interpersonal communication, 7) principal transformational leadership and teacher work discipline through self-efficacy.


Principal Transformational Leadership, Interpersonal Communication, Self-efficacy, Work Discipline


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